IP Telephony, Unified Communications, Cloud Communications, VOIP, PBX, SIP..........??? If you have looked for new telephone service for your home or business lately, you probably recognize these words and acronyms. And like most people, you probably didn't have a clue what they meant.
The short answer: Communicating over the Internet.
Whether it's making a phone call, sending a text, chatting, faxing, or video conferencing. Eventually all of these ways of communicating will will be ran over the internet. So if you haven't made the switch yet, or would like to see how your service compares with Broadwaves, read below for what we have to offer. If you would like to get a quote for our service give us a call or email.

We own our servers. We are not just reselling some other companies service and marking up the price. Our Class 5 Softswitch is a multiservice telephony server which leverages SIP and other related communication protocols. It combines the SIP server and application server roles in a next generation network (NGN). Which means we also handle the support in house. If you get Broadwaves service, you get Broadwaves support as well.
Key Features
